Tear Drop

Door & Hatch Construction

8 ' Cubby Tear Drop Trailer

Door Construction clamping bracing

Door Construction

Installing insulation

Fitting the Door Latch to Door

Another view of Door Latch

Door with window and latch

Door handle

Complete Door latch inside

Hatch Frame Construction

Hatch frame installing spars

Complete hatch with braceing

Close up of braceing to keep frame square

Fitting the Hatch Frame to the side.


Hatch Frame

Installing Backing to Hatch frame

Backing on Hatch Frame

Hatch outside Skin

Laying out gusset trim

Glueing on aluminum skin outside

Glueing on aluminum gusset trim

1/4 in. spacers for Hatch Bottom spaceing.

Glueing on Hatch inside skin

Hatch ready to be mounted

Hatch mounted

Another view of the Hatch

Hatch Light power cable

Hatch Light and and power cable to the light

Form to bend the hatch sides

Bending the hatch side 1" by 1" angle




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